The Stamp Me loyalty app can also be used to manage your businesses loyalty membership program or VIP club. We can simply create a listing on the platform which your customers and the Stamp Me community can join.
This is an excellent way to manage those email lists and membership details. Once you have your program listed on the Stamp Me loyalty app, customers can join your program with one click. They get the benefit of your rewards club such as discounts and give-aways. You get the benefit of quickly collecting your customer contact details and the marketing platform that sits behind the Stamp Me loyalty app.
Loyalty and VIP clubs can work great for your business. They work for brands, products, restaurants and retail outlets. The Stamp Me loyalty app provides a simple and effective way for you to sign customers up quickly and effortlessly manages the program for you.
VIP Loyalty Club example:
A kids toy shop run a simple loyalty club offering 10% discount to customers that join. Previously they managed this using a paper system, noting down the customers contact and email details then providing them with a numbered paper card. Now they simply ask customers to download the Stamp Me loyalty app and then join their program. They then automatically receive the customers details and they can utilise the email platform to send newsletters and other promotions. They can even use the linked SMS platform to push out the odd text message. The customers love it too as they never need to carry their membership card - they simply show their screen to qualify.
On top of this, other Stamp Me users in the area can see the loyalty club on their phone and can easily join up.Get in touch to find out more.