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10 Standout Ways to Make Your Restaurant More Environmentally Friendly

Written by 
Chloe Komesarook
September 23, 2024
Small Business

In today's world, issues like climate change and plastic pollution are at the forefront of public concern. Consumers are increasingly choosing businesses that prioritize sustainability, eco-friendly practices, and waste reduction. This shift in consumer behavior impacts all businesses, including the restaurant industry.

Whereas diners used to choose their favorite restaurants solely based on the quality of the food, ambiance, value for money, and service, now they also consider a restaurant's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), particularly when it comes to environmental sustainability. 

A recent Futerra study revealed that 88% of consumers want brands they support to actively address important societal issues, and they expect them to do so. If customers don’t feel a brand is doing its part to protect the environment, there’s almost a 90% chance they will take their business elsewhere.

Below, we'll explore a variety of changes you can implement to reduce your restaurant's environmental impact and support sustainability. While some of these environmentally friendly restaurant ideas may take some time to implement, many can be easily put into practice today.

1. Limit Water Usage

The average restaurant can use thousands of liters of water daily. While water is essential for food preparation and cleaning, there are countless ways to reduce your restaurant's overall water usage.

Installing low-flow faucets or motion sensor taps can save thousands of liters of water in the long run. Waterless urinals and water-efficient toilets are also highly effective in conserving water. In the kitchen, ensure your dishwashers, ice makers, and steamers are Energy Star-certified.

If your restaurant has a garden or patio area, consider installing water catchments to collect rainwater for irrigation. You could also reuse water from half-drunk glasses to water plants, rather than pouring it down the drain.

2. Scrap the Paper and Go Digital Where Possible

Transitioning to a paperless operation is an easy and effective way to implement environmentally friendly restaurant ideas. Consider replacing paper menus with digital menus or large chalkboards. If your menu is available online, use signage to encourage customers to view it on their smartphones.

Digital loyalty programs like Stamp Me offer a modern and sustainable alternative to traditional paper punch cards.

Two phones side by side with the Stamp Me app interface open.

Stamp Me is a user-friendly loyalty platform that helps restaurants build customer relationships and reduce paper waste. You can transform every meal into a memorable experience and differentiate yourself from competitors. With Stamp Me, you can engage directly with your customers through push notifications and SMS, and gain valuable insights to understand your customer base better.

List of Stamp Me benefits in a graphic tile.

While going completely paperless might not be feasible for items like napkins, consider using eco-friendly options that decompose faster than traditional napkins.

3. Support Your Friendly Local Farmers & Business Owners

Two hands holding a box of produce.
Image source: Canva

Sourcing your supplies – produce, meats, condiments, and packaging – from local businesses is another one of the more impactful environmentally friendly restaurant ideas. Buying local reduces transportation requirements, leading to lower carbon emissions. It also supports small, independent businesses in your community. The produce is more likely to be fresh and organic, rather than mass-produced and filled with preservatives.

Find out what's being grown or produced nearby, and establish relationships with local suppliers. Let them know you're eager to source locally and invest in your community.

If space allows, consider growing your own herbs, spices, or even some vegetables on-site. Make your own sauces and condiments using local ingredients.

4. Waste Not, Want Not!

Compost bin in front of a blue background, food scraps spilling out.
Image source: Canva

With careful planning and execution, the amount of waste your restaurant sends to landfill can be minimal.

Food waste is a major issue. All your food waste, both from the kitchen and customers' plates, can be composted or donated to local farms or shelters. Used coffee grounds make excellent fertilizer; offer them to customers or donate them to local farmers.

Implement a comprehensive recycling program with separate bins for food waste, glass, plastic, cardboard, and general rubbish. Earth911 is a valuable resource for recycling information.

By getting creative with your recycling and repurposing efforts, you'll significantly reduce the amount of trash your restaurant produces.

5. Use Less Energy

Restaurants consume a significant amount of energy. The first step towards energy conservation is replacing inefficient lighting with energy-saving bulbs and reducing unnecessary air conditioning use.

Investing in proper insulation and Energy Star-rated appliances can lead to long-term energy savings. Make sure staff members turn off all unnecessary equipment at the end of each day.

For even greater energy savings, consider installing solar panels or wind turbines.

6. Switch to Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Various eco cleaning products.
Image source: Canva

Many restaurants overlook the environmental impact of their cleaning practices. Switch to eco-friendly detergents and cleaning products, eliminating hazardous chemicals.

Replace hand dryers and paper towels with regular hand towels in the bathrooms. Purchase eco-friendly hand soap in bulk to refill dispensers, reducing plastic waste.

7. Recycle & Repurpose Old Furniture and Décor

Incorporating environmentally friendly restaurant ideas into your decor can be fun and create a unique atmosphere. Use recycled or salvaged furniture, or opt for sustainable materials like bamboo.

Use cloth tablecloths and napkins that can be washed and reused. Encourage customers to use regular mugs and glasses for dine-in service, reducing disposable cup waste.

8. Tone Back Your Pollution Output as Much as Possible

Restaurants can contribute to pollution reduction in several ways. Consider implementing a "no car" delivery policy, providing secure bike storage for staff, using only natural cleaning products, and sourcing organic produce whenever possible.

Eliminate plastic straws and replace them with sustainable alternatives like bamboo, metal, paper, or even pasta straws.

9. Get Your Staff On Board

Restaurant staff around a computer smiling
Image source: Canva

Create a workplace culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their environmentally friendly restaurant ideas. Educate your staff on the importance of sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

Empower your team to identify areas for improvement and suggest new initiatives. When everyone is working towards a common goal, it's much easier to implement and maintain sustainable practices.

10. Get Your Customers Onboard

Customers are increasingly interested in supporting sustainable businesses. Make it clear that you're passionate about eco-friendly practices and encourage customer participation.

Share your sustainable initiatives on social media and invite customers to offer suggestions. Use your loyalty program to incentivize eco-friendly behavior, such as offering discounts for customers who bring their own reusable containers or choose sustainable menu options (also, if you don’t have a loyalty program, here are a whole host of reasons to get one).

To Wrap Up:

The link between customer loyalty and corporate social responsibility is well-established. By embracing environmentally friendly restaurant ideas and striving to be a sustainable business, you'll not only reduce your environmental impact but also likely see an increase in customer loyalty and retention.

Start implementing these ideas today and make a positive impact on the planet and your business!

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